Erica's Bone Marrow Donor
Erica received two allogeneic stem cell transplants. Dana Farber Cancer Institute and the National Marrow Donor Program® (NMDP) collaborated to find Erica her perfect marrow match; Bryce Anderson.
In 2000, Bryce first heard about the NMDP during a local bone marrow drive for a young cancer patient. Immediately, he joined NMDP hoping to help. Four years later, the NMDP called him to say that he was a perfect match for a 5 year old girl with ALL; that girl was Erica.
Bryce’s bone marrow is legendary for grafting in Erica’s bones in record time and providing Erica with years of quality life that she would not have otherwise had. Seven years later when Erica needed another transplant, Bryce donated his marrow again, giving of himself selflessly; not once but twice.